Friday, 10 August 2012

My 33rd Post: Friends

There is a huge list of options in the category of relations....each and everyone is important and in life there comes a time when a person is incomplete without one....if its a guy, he may become a father to some, a brother to another and an uncle to someone else....but there are limits for his gender justifies, he can't be someone's wife or someone's niece.....same in the case of a women...she can't be someone's grandfather or someone's father in law....that just means that the relations are choosy and they don't allow each and everyone to tag them in....
But there is one which doesn't cares about the cast, creed or the gender....neither it cares about one being alive or tags along with anyone or anything just with one condition, trust....and that is all, just fill out the form of trust and there you have it, a relation package of friendship....
Friends are those special people who are sent down to Earth in order to fill in each and every place where someone needs a hand to hold on to.....the relationship of a true friendship is stronger than many bonds even at times, it cracks the limits of may be in between a dog and his master or a guy and his can stick into any two things....
You share your tiniest secrets with them...they are the only ones who know how crazy you can get at times....with them the world becomes small enough to swallow in a single bite...I mean its just amazing how the thing with a friend goes....even without saying a word, just with the expression of a blink of an eye, urban legends can be revealed....not really but it means that words aren't always required to continue a conversation.....
If someone sees you with a friend and are aware of nothing, things just seem as an episode of Charlie Chaplin....your buddy (specially a best friend) keeps on using some special words to describe a whole scene of an hour and only thing you reply is a high fi and then some phony the viewer its just like entering a math's lecture at its end....
Friends are the most precious jewels of life....they should never be left to corrode, instead should be varnished every once in a while....the magic of friendship never ends until someone just moves on forgetting whom he met before the position he is in.....friends fight for each other, support each other and are there always to hold your back even there are ones who get scolded just cause they took the blame for his friend....
Thank you all my friends for being there for me and surviving through my every lame joke with a laugh.....thank you for simply being my friend and making my life's each day a happy ending and giving me the will to rise to a new morning....remain my friends forever....
Dedicated to all of my friends and to those who are a friend to someone....
Tc, comment and share......

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