Tuesday 3 September 2013

My 112th Post: Begging

Earning is a tough thing and people realise it once they are on there feet without any shoulder to rest the head upon....they do hard work through out their life just to earn a decent living...some study and earn good grades and degrees to get a desk job and others might spend their life bagging experience in order to start up a business or do something depending upon their field of interest.....no matter what, both the types try to make a reputation for them and their families in this world and most importantly, they eat from what they rightly earn....

Well everybody has his/her own perspective and there are some who have a way different than mine....there are people who no doubt work hard day and night but the way they earn is not respected in the society because they don't earn what they get....they beg for it and literally they do.....these are the ones who eat out of others' plates and don't even feel ashamed of doing that....they roam around the streets in search of people who might give them money for just asking for it....they stick around and keep circling the ones who might have some cash to throw away and in the end, are the owners of something which was thrown at them....
Begging is getting out of hands specially in countries like Pakistan or India....there is no force which would stop the beggars...so the streets are filled with groups of people waiting in line to make you feel guilty just to give them some cash....the second reason is that people don't realise the fact that if they give something to someone without any return or some hard work, they are just encouraging them to ask again....with time, the person wouldn't hesitate even a bit and that someone would proudly ask for stuff...this is natural...if someone is getting something without any hard work and just has to ask for it, why would he/she will to work in the future....they would just ask...why would someone cook a meal when they are automatically served on time....so there won't be any sense of responsibility in that someone's mind and would take things for granted....
It feels so odd to see someone coming in front of you and raise their hands to ask for money....if that someone is needy, one should help as much as he/she can because they had no other option...but these days, it is really a tough job to distinguish a needy from a professional beggar.....what matters is mainly your intention...so if you help someone out with good will, it is alright...but if you know that someone is a beggar and you have seen that someone continuously, try avoiding him or her....
Try stopping the idea of begging not by eliminating beggars but by changing their thinking....if you know some available job, offer them a job in exchange because they need to earn as well....you can't just kick them out....or motivate them in showing their talents like the ones in U.S or U.K who play guitars or dance in public to entertain just to earn.....
It would be a better society if everyone understands the idea to earn rather than to snatch someone else's treasure...