Wednesday, 18 July 2012

My 9th Post: Mood swings

hey ya has really been an odd mood seems to change every hour or so....I am in a mood to listen to classic at a moment but just 5 mins later am singing rock or maybe just maybe just fed up of songs....that feeling is really tough to control and tolerate, I mean come on, there should be a flow for each and shouldn't be a buffet of moods or feelings to search the way through...I mean it is understandable that one is eating a pizza and then changes the taste to spaghetti...that is acceptable but just imagine someone happy and then sad and then happy and then gloomy, simply that person would have lost it....well today is that day for me and which is why my writing seems to hit of the edge and sink in the screen just like titanic did in Atlantic (I guess).....
people do get mood swings, some due to some medical conditions and others do to some trauma....but still there are special cases like me who get swings cause of no particular reason...seriously there should be something like heartbreak or anger upon something or stress but no...for me it is simply a special day cause my life needs me to be unique in every kind of way possible :p
right now I am just feeling kind of ignorant and want to stop writing and the time I started off this post, I felt lonely :/ but well now I am happy much :D and ya I should get my head on straight and leave for now :P
Tc and do subscribe :)

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