Tuesday, 19 June 2012

My 4th Post: Limited Strenght

From ages, it has been seen that various men throughout the their history have shown their strength and might to the world....those courageous men have fought different villains in their times and saved their nations from the hands of evil....
Amongst those men, there is a ratio of those who with every successful expenditure felt more and more proud of themselves....they came to such a peak in their moronic minds that they thought they were the best and there was no end to their everlasting power...
Such men forgot the history which was written before them....there were others who also claimed the same but a day came when they fell on their knees with little strength, enough to witness their end....
Men always forgets that what it has and what it conquers in his life time is only a mirage which would vanish when He, the Creator, wills to snatch it back....how can a simple person with two arms, two legs and two eyes claim that he is on the verge of power or strength when he can't even stand on his own feet when he is sick....man always forgets that he needs something to grab on to in order to survive and when he keeps winning, he forgets that a day would come when he would have nothing in hand....the day when he would need several shoulders to carry him to his final bed....
This world is nothing, just some chapters in the book that each individual holds....ripping out a single page, trembles the soul for ages....we truly are powerless...the strength we get is not what we produce, its what the Creator portrays through us and makes the target surrender in front of our might....
The strongest person I feel is the one who stands out for his rights and protects his family but still believes that what ever he did or can do, is bestowed upon by his Lord and He is the only one who protects all...that is what I believe but I feel that it should be the thought of every single person on this planet....

Tc :)

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